
Cron is a program available on Unix-based operating systems that enables users to run commands and scripts at set intervals or at specific times.

Elgg’s cron handler allows administrators and plugin developers to setup jobs that need to be executed at set intervals.

Most common examples of cron jobs in Elgg include:

  • sending out queued notifications
  • rotating the system log in the database
  • collecting garbage in the database (compacting the database by removing entries that are no longer required)

Currently, Elgg supports the following hooks:

  • minute - Run every minute
  • fiveminute - Run every 5 minutes
  • fifteenmin - Run every 15 minutes
  • halfhour - Run every 30 minutes
  • hourly - Run every hour
  • daily - Run every day
  • weekly - Run every week
  • monthly - Run every month
  • yearly - Run every year


reboot cron hook has been deprecated and should not be used

How does it work?

Elgg activates its cron handler when particular cron pages are loaded. As an example, loading in a web browser activates the hourly hook. To automate this, cron jobs are setup to hit those pages at certain times. This is done by setting up a crontab which is a configuration file that determines what cron jobs do and at what interval.


The crontab needs to specify a script or command that will hit the Elgg cron pages. Two commonly available programs for this are GET and wget. You will need to determine the location of one of these on your server. Your crontab also needs to specify the location of your website.

# Crontab example.
# This file is an example of triggering Elgg cron events. It hits a URL to
# trigger the events. For testing, you can simulate the cronjob by loading the
# URL in a browser.
# See for more information

# Location of your site (don't forget the trailing slash!)

# Location of lwp-request

# Make GET request and discard content
GET="$LWPR -m GET -d"

# The crontab
# Don't edit below this line unless you know what you are doing
* * * * * $GET ${ELGG}cron/minute/
*/5 * * * * $GET ${ELGG}cron/fiveminute/
15,30,45,59 * * * * $GET ${ELGG}cron/fifteenmin/
30,59 * * * * $GET ${ELGG}cron/halfhour/
@hourly $GET ${ELGG}cron/hourly/
@daily $GET ${ELGG}cron/daily/
@weekly $GET ${ELGG}cron/weekly/
@monthly $GET ${ELGG}cron/monthly/
@yearly $GET ${ELGG}cron/yearly/
# reboot is deprecated and probably doesn't work
@reboot $GET ${ELGG}cron/reboot/

In the above example, change the ELGG and GET variables to match you server setup. If you have SSH access to your Linux servers, type crontab -e and add your crontab configuration. If you already have a crontab configured, you will have to merge Elgg information into it. If you don’t have SSH access, you will have to use a web-based configuration tool. This will vary depending on hosting provider.

If you choose the wget utility, you might want to consider these flags:

  • --output-document or -O to specify the location of the concatenated output file. For example, under Debian: /usr/bin/wget --output-document=/dev/null. If you don’t do that, a new file will be created for each cron page load in the home directory of the cron user.
  • --spider to prevent the cron page from being downloaded.

On Windows servers, there is a number of cron emulators available.

For information on setting up cron jobs using cPanel see cPanel Docs.

In the command field, enter the appropriate link of the cron page. For example, for a weekly cron job, enter the command as

To see if your cron jobs are running, visit Statistics > Cron in your Elgg admin panel.